The Blog

Working With Organizations To Clarify Their Big Goals, Create Strategies, Systems, A Plan & The Confidence To Make Their Vision A Reality

50 Things I Learned In The Past 50 Years Jul 20, 2019

50 may just be a number, but its also how many years I’ve been on this beautiful earth.

Those years have brought experiences, challenges, success, lessons, love and friendships, each moving...
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10 Things You Need To BE, To Be A Successful Entrepreneur! business entrepreneur Jun 06, 2019

Entrepreneurs are a special breed. They are the kind of people that don’t give up.   They are told ‘they can’t do it’. They reply, ‘thank you for...

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Attracting More Clients business communication Apr 01, 2019

The growth of all business comes from customers and meeting the needs of those customers regardless of what you are selling. So how do we attract them, where do we find them, how do we show...

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The Impact of Communication in Business and Life - 10 Tips for More Effective Communication in Business business communication Mar 04, 2019

As stated in many articles we spend 80% of our waking hours in some form of communication. That is a lot of time and leaves much room for misunderstandings, and assumptions.  What people...

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Why Your LinkedIn Profile Is So Important For Your Business business Feb 19, 2019

I did not realize how important LinkedIn is for my business until a couple of years ago when pitching to a client and the first thing he did before we met was take a look at my LinkedIn Profile. I...

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13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful success Jan 07, 2019

This is one of my favorite articles.  It embodies the simplicity of be successful yet most of us make it very difficult.  Own and running a business is not easy but it definitely does not...

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