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Working With Organizations To Clarify Their Big Goals, Create Strategies, Systems, A Plan & The Confidence To Make Their Vision A Reality

Your Vision Determines Your Success

success vision Sep 08, 2020


Your vision is the foundation for everything you do. Having a vision, allowing yourself to dream about the possibilities is the answer to bringing it all to life. A powerful vision is what keeps you excited and motivated to drive it all forward every day. 

I found this article the other day, it is one of many articles that discusses the importance of having a big vision, of having a dream. It covers some of the strategies I use with my clients every day that sets them up for the success they want and deserve.  

It is about a 5-8 min read, depending on how quickly you read, and worth the time. 

Once you have created your vision, what if you could create a Life Success Board that laid it all out for you? Would that excite you? 
A organized visual of your vision that you could hang up over your desk as your reminder every day? A Life Success Board that actually meant something?

I never liked vision boards personally. However, our recent time at home provided me with the time to really get creative. I thought of a way to make a Life Success Board that really means something and has a powerful impact on your success, an extension of your strategic plan. 

If this is something that peaks your interest then stay tuned as we launch my Life Success Board this month.

Success is yours. Enjoy the read.

Carolyn Dickinson
Global Executive Coach, Speaker, Trainer, & Author


The Importance of Vision for Your Business


What if for a few minutes you were living your mountaintop experience? You envisioned a time when everything was going great. A time you left all your limiting thoughts behind; about not having enough money, time or not enough experience. Imagine yourself at the end of the journey celebrating your success.

Coming from that Vision, you act, think, become that person on the mountaintop. It can be as simple as closing your eyes and dreaming – using your IMAGINATION.

Walt Disney was a dreamer and built an empire by using his imagination. He turned his dream into a kingdom. He referred to the teams of people he worked with as “Imagine-eers” believing deeply in the power of Imagining. He used the pictures in his mind to bring his dream into form.

As he started out building his small business he had his share of setbacks but he was so driven by his vision that nothing deterred him; not even bankruptcy or betrayal when his producer hired away most of his animators and took over the production of the his best animated cartoon in his own studio.

Walt Disney’s story of success is one that many entrepreneurs can relate to and often strive to replicate and as Disney said, “Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.”

Disney was Vision Driven. Are you Driven by Your Vision or ruled by Limiting Circumstance? Living in your Vision is an expansive and creative way of being.

However, most small business owners fail because they focus on their limiting circumstance.

3 things that make small business owners fail:

  1. Business owners forget their ‘Why’. Why they began the business in the first place.
  • They lose touch with their purpose
  • They forget what matters
  • Lose sight of their passion to make a difference (their mission)
  1. They start focusing on the problem rather than the opportunity ….they can’t see what they can do because they are so focused on what is not working and by doing this the problems expand.

They focus on the lack:

  • not enough revenue
  • not enough time
  • not enough support
  • not enough clients
  1. Not having an “image in mind” for what they would love the business to look like…. the key words here are “in mind”… your vision. Everything is created twice. First in your mind and then created into reality.

Using the tool of ‘Living from your Vision’ makes anything possible. What would you love? By making this shift you change the word “struggle” to “opportunity for growth”!

Asking yourself questions such as:

  • What would it look like if it all turned out? (What if…)
  • What does the successful business that you have ‘in mind’ look like?

“You don’t have to be great to start but to be great you have to start.” – Zig Ziglar

Where is the START?

It is not only the day you start the business …….it is Everyday.

You bring to each day new ideas and each day your aim is to accomplish at least one thing.

When you start living in your vision it becomes easy to turn struggle around by looking at ‘what you can do with what you have’.

So let’s do a 90 day experiment.

Each day ask yourself….

“What are 3 opportunities today to make my business grow?”


“What can I do in 15 minutes?”

or even

“What can I do in the next 5 minutes?”

“I live in the world of my vision, and you can too.”