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Working With Organizations To Clarify Their Big Goals, Create Strategies, Systems, A Plan & The Confidence To Make Their Vision A Reality

The Story of The Magic Penny!

Jul 23, 2024
The Story of The Magic Penny!

This is so important for your success, and most people miss it!

Have you every wondered why you are not reaching the level of success you want?

Success is the sum of your daily habits and the choices you make each day. This video delivers a powerful message about how our daily actions, or lack thereof, significantly influence our outcomes.

As Terri Savelle Foy states so eloquently, "Failure is the sum of habits we do day in and day out." This statement highlights that just as success is built on positive daily habits, failure stems from the negative ones many people practice regularly.

What Are Your Daily Habits?

Consider your routines and how they shape your life. Reflect on how you start your day and the mindset you adopt upon waking up.

  • How do you start your day?
  • What is your mindset once you get out of bed?

If your first thoughts upon waking are negative, such as "I am not looking forward to today," or "Something is going to go wrong," you are setting the tone for the day.

You create how your day is going to go. These thoughts often manifest in your reality because whatever you think, you attract.

Your mindset and habits create your success. Focusing on the past can negatively impact your future.

How you think and feel generates how you communicate, and impacts everyone and everything around you.

Have you ever noticed that when you are off people around you are often off as well?

So, if things are not going well in your business, or in your life take a step back and ask yourself these questions:

✅ Do I love what I am doing and how am I serving people?

✅ Am I happy? (seems like a simple question and it has such a huge impact on your success)

✅ What am I focusing on?

✅ Do I have goals and a vision directing me to where I want to be? If you do, are you still aligned with them?

✅ How am I showing up for my team, my leaders, my customers?

✅ Who am I being?

✅ What do I need to improve upon to reach my goals?

These are the questions I ask myself and my clients.  Maybe you do as well or might want to consider starting.  What if you had a sounding board, someone you could talk to with no judgment, who can give you perspective, and ask the right questions to allow you to gain a different perspective?

Are you interested in improving your mindset, creating bigger goals, and expanding your opportunities, let's take a deeper dive together.

Book a 30-minute strategy call with me. Here is a link to my calendar to find a date and time that works for you.