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The Communication Connection: Elevating Client Interactions

Jul 11, 2024

Mindset and Communication work hand in hand in all areas of our lives especially in the workplace. The ability to understand that when clients and customers show up as upset 99% of the time it has nothing to do with you directly. They are frustrated and looking for a solution. Your role is to show understanding, empathy, and maintain a sense of calm to ensure they feel listened to.

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Remember, you may not be able to satisfy everyone, but striving to find a resolution is key.

Mindset + Communication Skills = Positive Customer Interactions

Mindset/Communication Rules To Live By:

1. Treat each customer/client as a unique individual and begin with a fresh perspective.

2. Remain composed, communicate in a friendly tone, and exhibit kindness and patience.

3. Maintain politeness, even in challenging situations.

4. Refrain from internalizing people's frustrations; often, they may be reacting to external factors.

5. Concentrate on grasping the issue and offering effective resolutions.

A colleague of mine was going on vacation, and I was taking over his caseload of clients while he was off. He often boasted about how great he was and that all of his clients and files were up to date.

Well, those statements were far from the truth.

In the first two days, it was quite a horror movie. Every time I picked up the phone, the clients were either yelling at me, swearing, or crying and upset because their caseworker was not returning their calls. Keep in mind, this was many years ago, so people were often afraid to complain if they were receiving bad service.

There was one particular gentleman who was outright losing it. It was clear he was upset.

Here’s where mindset and communication, especially active listening skills, come into play.

During my twenties, I worked in social services, which proved to be a valuable experience. Every profession has individuals who genuinely care and excel at their work, as well as those who only believe they do.

One of my colleagues was going on vacation, and I was taking over his caseload while he was away. Despite his claims of being exceptional and having everything in order, the reality was quite different.

The initial days were challenging, like being in a horror movie. Each time I answered the phone, clients were either angry, upset or in tears because their caseworker had been unresponsive. Back then, people were often hesitant to voice complaints about poor service.

There was one client in particular who was visibly distressed.

This is where the importance of mindset and communication skills, particularly active listening, becomes evident.

his conversation went on for about 10 minutes:

John, I can hear you are very upset. Can you explain what happened so I can see how I can help you?

John: I %^&((&%$##%&**((^^% need help. He never returns my $$%^^&*&^% calls.

Me: John, I get you are upset and need to vent. However, please stop swearing at me.

John: (yelling and still swearing at me)

Me: John, I am happy to listen and work with you to figure out a solution. Please stop swearing at me, or I will hang up the phone. When you are ready to speak with me again, call me back.

John: %^&(((

Me: (I hung up. In this situation, I needed to find a way for John to take a moment and reset.)

10 minutes later, John called back.

John: I am sorry for swearing at you.

Me: Thank you very much. Okay, tell me what has been happening. I am going to take notes while you share with me. (The notes statement let him know that I believed what he had to say was important, which also changed the tone in his voice, and he sighed.)

After a 45-minute conversation I understood why he was upset, I would be too. 

We came up with a game plan and got him into some courses and within a few weeks he landed a job.

Whether you are a Business Owner, CEO, Manager, Sales Person, Team Member, etc.   Your mindset, and communication skills, play a very important role in the interactions you have with clients/customers, supervisors, and team members. 

We all have off days, I know I have. On occasion, I have caught myself being a bit rude due to my frustration with a customer service representative over the phone. Realizing they have nothing to do with the actual issue I was having.  I apologized and started over with our conversation. 

What can you improve on in how you view your customer interactions, how you listen, and how you choose to respond?

Would you be interested in assessing your listening skills in just 10-15 minutes? If so, click the link below to take your free assessment.