How to Enjoy Sales!
Aug 02, 2020
Sales can be a dirty word for some people, either they love sales or they hate sales.
I hated sales; I use to think that to be a good salesperson I had to force people to do something they might not want to do.
I discovered that my job as a salesperson is really to become an information ambassador. This means that you provide all the information needed for your potential client to make a powerful decision for themselves. That’s when my thoughts about sales shifted.
The first step is to become a really good listener to understand what your client wants or really needs. Clients may think they have one problem and after speaking with them you realize it is a completely different problem.
You see, if you just assume and don’t ask questions you could be selling your clients something that is the wrong solution and they will lose trust in you.
The second step is once you get to the root of the problem, now you can recommend a solution.
At this point you share with your client what you understand by what they have shared and what you believe the solution to be.
You become an information ambassador, to provide enough information for your client to make a powerful decision for themselves.
Your job is to show them how the solution you are providing will alleviate the problem they have. Sales is all about building relationships and relationships are built on trust.
Your client or potential client is trusting that you are providing a real solution for the issue they have.
If your potential client does not understand how what you are offering will fix their problem, they will not buy from you.
Simple right!
Spend the time to understand the challenge and explain the solution and you will sell yourself and the product or service you are offering.