Chaos to Possibility
Mar 20, 2020
Lots is happening in the world today and it is affecting all of us. I truly believe there is possibility everywhere.
There are probably many things you have wanted to do and have said you don't have time for, this is the perfect time to pull out that list or create one.
So let's focus on what we can do:
Education - Read the books you have been collecting but have not had time to read. Go through that program you bought but never had time to complete. There are also so many deals out there right now figure out one thing you would like to improve upon and get that one course.
Organization - office, closets, storage area, files, pictures, etc.
Exercise Routine - walk, hike, Beach Body - (14 days for free to try it out)
Write a Book - I am sure many of you have been thinking about writing a book but running your business has kept you busy use some of your available time to get it started.
Create an Online Program – I did
Create a Free Webinar – I did
Spend quality time with your kids – we are often rushing around, this is a great time to have game nights, help them write a book, create a fun family video, play Pictionary on a white board, etc.
Create an album – you may have been talking about putting your pictures in an album use blacks to do it on line and you get a hard copy sent to your home - Blacks - They are offering great specials.
Schedule your time - I have learned over time it is okay to schedule your time - work time, fun time, etc. Having a schedule during this time will keep you going and feeling like you are accomplishing something in your business and at home.
I am sure you can add to this list and have many other things you would like to do during this time.
We created a list of things to do as a family.
My 11 year old Myia loves organizing closets so that was on the top of the list. We have already cleaned out 3 closets, well my girls started them, and I finished them.
To add to this list: Clean out mom’s office, go for 2 walks per day with our dog Bailey, Beach Body family yoga for beginners 30 min every day, paint the living room, hang up pictures (that have been sitting in my office for a year), finish basement, work time for mom, (clients, videos, finish book, Communications Masterclass, and add 2 new programs.) Homework for girls (I added this one).
Then turn it into a schedule:
7:00 am – Get up, get ready, breakfast
8:00 am – Family walk with Bailey
9:00 am – Girls do 1-2 hours of study with dad
9:30 am – Mom works in office
11:00 am – Break – prepare for lunch
12:00 pm – Lunch
1:00 pm – House project (Girls will help for a short time then they can have some free time)
4:00 pm – Take Bailey for a walk – girls ride bikes
5:00 pm – Dinner and clean up
The evenings are open for discussion
This is just an example, now it's your turn to create your own. I personally like to be productive and feel like I accomplished something. My girls like to be busy, especially my 8 year old Avalon, they like to know what's coming next.
This is also a great time to set yourself up powerfully in your business, and keeps things moving forward.
Once everything clams down, working on your business now will definitely help you be ready to hit the ground running.
If we can help you in anyway during this time let us know.
[email protected]